
Flat water spot with wide open spaces

In Patos you will find the best wind conditions, mirror-like flat water and hardly any other kitesurfers ...

Ilha do Guajiru

Well-known flat water spot with awesome downwind opportunity

Ilha do Guajiru is huge flat water spot at high tide and also offers a great kitesurf downwind opportunity ...


High wind guarantee in the neighboring village of Jericoacoara

Prea comes up with a very high wind guarantee and often offers even stronger wind than other spots in the region, because ...


Infinite free space in the unique Atins

The remote Atins is considered an absolute insider tip among flat water lovers and offers endless free space...


Kitesurfing in excellent and moderate waves

Kitesurfing in Icaraizinho
Icaraizinho is primarily a wave spot with moderate point breaks and offers the best selection of accommodations and...


Pure relaxation near two top kite spots

In Moitas you share the bay of the neighboring village Icaraizinho or you can kite in the shallow water spot of Patos...


Flat water and wave spot in postcard landscape for mobile kitesurfers

For mobile kite surfers, Lagoinha offers a freshwater lagoon that is independent of the tide and an excellent wave spot...


Great wave and flat water spot with excellent accommodations and restaurants

Taiba is a great universal kite spot and offers not only two excellent wave spots but two flat water spots ...
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