
Good wave spot with excellent accommodations

Kitesurfing in Guajiru

At high tide, Guajiru is a more demanding wave spot and is only recommended for advanced kitesurfers. And for a good reason. After all, the waves can then get a little more 6.5 feet high. At low tide, however, things look different again. In the immediate vicinity there are numerous places in the sea where even wave beginner can gain their first experience.

Do not confuse the town of Guajiru with the shallow water kite spot Ilha do Guajiru, which is a good 70 miles by road to the northwest. And also not with the kitesurf spot Guriu which is located near Jericoacoara and is about 130 miles away on the road in a northwesterly direction.

Kitesurfing in Guajiru
Guajiru is a popular wave spot among advanced kitesurfers

Those who kite not only close to the beach in Guajiru have a good chance of seeing a sea turtle. Numerous turtles cavort here in the water.

Spot and wind conditions

As already mentioned at the beginning, Guajiru is a wave kitesurfing spot. If you already know how to kitesurf and want to gain your first experiences in the waves, you can definitely do so here at low tide. Kite schools and buggy transfers to do kitesurf downwinders are available in Guajiru. Due to the course of the beach, the wind usually blows slightly diagonally on-shore. Since this spot is not so heavily frequented, there is always enough free space in the sea.


At high tide, there is an excellent wave in Guajiru Bay, which can reach 6.5 feet and more. If the beach is wider than a multi-lane highway at low tide, this changes when the tide comes in. When the tide reaches its peak, the only way to get through the deep sand is with a 4×4 off-road vehicle or buggy.

Dangers zones

At the eastern end of Guajiru there is a reef 0.6 miles long. Immediately visible at low tide and no problem at high tide. But in the time in between you have to watch out. The reef is not sharp-edged, but neither good for you or your gear. In the small bay with the highest and best waves, the subsoil consists exclusively of sand without any stones.

Kitesurf Downwinder

A good starting point for a kitesurf-downwinder is 8 miles upwind near Lagoinha. The nearest flat water spot is also located there. The so-called Donkey Kite Lagoon. The shallow freshwater lagoon is not very large and mostly overcrowded in the high season in November. At low tide you can easily drive to Lagoinha on the wide beach without all-wheel drive. There is a small car ferry across the Rio Trairi between Guajiru and Lagoinha. When the water is low, you can easily drive through the river bed.

If you want to kitesurf downwind from Guajiru right away, you can start from here past Flecheiras to Emboaca. If you kite downwind to Flecheiras, you have to watch out for reefs near the beach. The downwind trip from Lagoinha to Guajiru, on the other hand, is safe.

Spot overview

Guajiru location description

The name of the place is based on a peach-like fruit in the language of the Brazilian indigenous people. The former fishing village has focused more on tourism in the last 10 years and has developed significantly. There are now three hotels and around a dozen pousadas in the 800 souls community. Some bars and restaurants have also sprung up since then. Most of them offer typical Brazilian food. The great international cuisine has not yet arrived in Guajiru.

Along the main street you will find a few small grocery stores, which offer the most necessary things. There is also a kite repair workshop, but no pharmacy yet. These can be found in the nearby neighboring town of Flecheiras.


Guajiru is only a two-hour drive from FortalezaInternational Airport via CE-085. Usually this road is in good condition. After a heavy rainy season, however, it may be the case that numerous potholes have appeared. If you drive the route yourself, you should inquire about the road conditions at the car rental company.

Accommodation and restaurants

Although the former fishing village is modestly small, it offers a handful of upper class accommodations. You will find pousadas in all price ranges. There are very good dining options in Guajiru. For more variety, you can also go to the neighboring Flecheiras for dinner. There you have a somewhat larger selection, at least when it comes to gastronomy.

Accommodation in Guajiru
First class accommodation can be found on Guajiru Beach

While it is more quiet and leisurely during the week in the evening, Friday and Saturday are much busier. Numerous Brazilians come from inland or from Fortaleza to spend the weekend on the beach and celebrate.

Additional Activities

There is not much on offer here in terms of alternatives and excursion destinations. Sandboarding is possible on the large inland dunes. Scenically attractive is the red sand dune on the beach of Lagoinha. The beautiful sunset in Mundaú is also worth the 25-minute drive. The next bigger city is Trairi. There is an ATM there and you can shop very cheaply at the market.

Kite spot Guajiru
Guajiru is primarily a kite spot for wave lovers. At high tide, the waves reach a height of a good 6.5 feet. The nearest flat water lagoon is 9.3 miles upwind on the beach. The quality of the accommodation here is partly above the usual standard.
Flat Water
Family suitability
Reader Rating2 Votes
Good waves at high tide
Excellent accommodations
Only 2 hours away from Fortaleza
No flat water spot in the immediate vicinity
Hotels are often booked out early

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Flat Water
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